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This is for you if you're an expert, speaker or heart-centered entrepreneur who has been struggling to craft a talk delivers great content, feels good AND gets you BIG sales results!

Imagine -- Creating Your Own Rush to the Back of the Room While Giving GREAT Content and Feeling FANTASTIC About Your Talk!

No, it's not a dream. It really CAN be your reality. Read on to learn more about how you can get your message out in the world in a big way, attract tons of new clients who love you AND make big bucks without feeling sales-y or inauthentic.

Dear Friend,

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You know speaking, whether on stage or on teleclasses, is one of the best and most cost-effective ways to market yourself and get your message out in the world (not to mention attract high-paying and invested clients to your business). But no matter what you do, you aren't seeing the big results you know you ought to be.
  • You've invested in speaking training courses but something is getting lost in the translation. You really wish you could hear examples of how speakers have taken the formula and translated it to their business and message.
  • You've listened to other speakers at events and on teleclasses but it's really difficult to know who is actually successful at speaking and who is a flop. (And who wants to imitate a flop?) You'd really like to have a library of SUCCESSFUL speeches you could use as examples when you're creating your own.
  • You want to get out there and get known but you haven't yet built the confidence to do what you know you need to do on stages. After all, your reputation is at stake! It would help a lot if you could model other successful people that speak and sell from the heart like you're ready to do.

 If any of this sounds familiar, I have GREAT news. I have the PERFECT solution for you to help you step into the spotlight with a talk you love, offers that sell, and the confidence that comes from being ready!

You see, it's not your fault you've struggled to put your talks together. Sometimes you need to see it done in order to figure out how to do it on your own. But the problem is how do you know if the person you're watching is actually getting results with their talk? What if you're copying a talk that doesn't work? Then YOU won't get results either.

But what if you had a library of successful talks right at your fingertips you could watch whenever you needed help crafting your own talk, or wanted inspiration before you get on a stage? And what if these talks were based on my highly touted Speak-To-Sell Formula, which allows you to give, give, give and STILL sell?

Introducing "The Invisible Close

ALL of these masters used my Speak-To-Sell Formula to get on the stage, give amazing value AND gross $20,000 to $200,000 sharing their expertise!

How do I know this? Because all but one were on MY stage (and as ALL my events are $7-figure events, these speakers are a key part of my success). Plus, as the Queen of Sales Conversion, I know a little something about converting on stage and on teleclasses in an authentic and non-sales-y way -- which is what my Speak-To-Sell Formula is all about.

But don't believe me -- let them tell you in their own words about the success they've had using the Speak-To-Sell Formula:

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