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The Best of Wilmott 1

Incorporating the Quantitative Finance Review

November 11th 2003 saw a landmark event take place in London. As the first conference designed for quants by quants the Quantitative Finance Review 2003, moved away from the anonymous bazaars that have become the norm, and instead delivered valuable information to market practitioners with the greatest interest. The roster of speakers was phenomenal, ranging from founding fathers to bright young things, discussing the latest developments, with a specific emphasis on the burgeoning field of credit derivatives. You really had to be there. Until now, at least. The Best of Wilmott 1: Including the latest research from Quantitative Finance Review 2003 contains these first-class articles, originally presented at the QFR 2003, along with a collection of selected technical papers from Wilmott magazine. In publishing this book we hope to share some of the great insights that, until now, only delegates at QFR 2003 were privy to, and give you some idea why Wilmott magazine is the most talked about periodical in the market. Including articles from luminaries such as Ed Thorp, Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, Philipp Schoenbucher, Pat Hagan, Ephraim Clark, Marc Potters, Peter Jaeckel and , this collection is a must for anyone working in the field of quantitative finance. The articles cover a wide range of topics: * Psychology in Financial Markets * Measuring Country Risk as Implied Volatility * The Equity-to-Credit Problem * Introducing Variety in Risk Management * The Art and Science of Curve Building * Next Generation Models for Convertible Bonds with Credit Risk * Stochastic Volatility and Mean-variance Analysis * Cliquet Options and Volatility Models And as they say at the end of (most) Bond movies The Best of Wilmott… will return on an annual basis.

The Best of Wilmott 2

The Team at Wilmott is very proud to present this compilation of Wilmott magazine articles and presentations from our second year. We have selected some of the very best in cutting-edge research, and the most illuminating of our regular columns.

The technical papers include state-of-the-art pricing tools and models. You’ll notice there’s a bias towards volatility modelling in the book. Of course, it’s one of my favourite topics, but volatility is also the big unknown as far as pricing and hedging is concerned. We present research in this area from some of the best newcomers in this field. You’ll see ideas that make a mockery of ‘received wisdom,’ ideas that are truly paradigm shattering – for we aren’t content with a mere ‘shift.’

We know you’ll enjoy it!

The Best of Wilmott will return again next year…

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